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IXXI currently hosts four research teams in its project hotel:


DANTE - Temporal and Structural Capture Approach

Lay solid foundations to the characterisation of dynamic networks, and to the field of dynamic processes occurring on large scale dynamic networks.

Sisyphe -  Signals, Systems and Physics

Signal processing, physics and applied mathematics for analyses and modelling of complex data, graphs, networks, or complex systems (applications: data of social and human activities, biological signals or images, genomic data, data from physics experiments, technological networks,...)

Dice - Data economy

The DICE team investigates the mechanisms at work in the digital revolution and the impact of such a revolution. DICE focuses on algorithmic intermediation and the asymetry of information.

CAC - cliometrics and Complexity

The team CAC is an attempt to bring together active researchers and professors from interdisciplinary fields.



Apr 04, 2024
Feb 15, 2024
Oct 05, 2023
Oct 05, 2023 Certains projets entrent particulièrement bien en résonance avec le contrat naturel et les priorités de l’institut Michel Serres. Certains de ces projets impliquent des membres de l’institut, à des degrés divers. D’autres sont indépendants, mais nous estimons qu’ils méritent d’être mentionnés ici (avec l’accord des porteurs) comme autant de sources d’inspiration.