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You are here: Home / Agenda / Seminars / Séminaires 2018 / Slow convergence due to long range temporal correlations : models, phenomena, data analysis challenges.

Slow convergence due to long range temporal correlations : models, phenomena, data analysis challenges.

par Holger Kantz (Max-Planck Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden)
When May 03, 2018
from 01:30 to 02:30
Where Amphithéâtre F
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Long range temporal  correlations (LRC), i.e., an infinite correlation time, seems to be abundant in natural signals, such as climatological and physiological time series.
We discuss how to verify and quantify the presence of such correlations and show the limitations of the methods.
We highlight some statistical problems as a consequence of the presence of LRC such as bad convergence properties of time averages.
Lastly, we speculate about potential sources of LRC.