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You are here: Home / Agenda / Seminars / Séminaires 2016 / Social networks, time, and individual differences

Social networks, time, and individual differences

Jari Saramaki (Aalto University, Finland)
When May 17, 2016
from 02:00 to 03:00
Where Amphi B (ENS Lyon, site Monod)
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In the traditional “bare-bones” network approach, nodes are nodes and links and links, and that is all there is. For social networks, this means that individuals are distinguishable only on the basis of their network characteristics (degree, centrality, etc). However, we all know that people are different and behave in different ways. These differences can be approached with more fine-grained behavioural data, in particular with the help of data on time-stamped interactions that allow constructing dynamic and temporal social networks. In this talk, I will focus on exploring individual differences with the help of temporal data on electronic interactions (calls, emails, etc). I will first talk about longer timescales and the similarities and differences in how we maintain our personal networks. Then, I will focus on shorter timescales of circadian patterns, and show how various data sets reveal chronotypes of individuals (morning/evening-active persons) and chronotype compositions of populations.