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The CAC 10th Anniversary International Conference

The theme of the CAC 10th Anniversary International Conference is: "The Place of Cliometrics and Complexity in the Analysis of History".
Quand ? Du 10/07/2025 à 09:00
au 11/07/2025 à 18:30
Où ? Salle Condorcet - Place de l'Ecole (ENS Lyon, Sit Monod)
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 The Cliometrics & Complexity team (CAC-IXXI) is celebrating its 10th anniversary. 8 seminars and 4 international conferences have been organised under its auspices since its creation.

 The theme of the CAC 10th Anniversary International Conference is: "The Place of  Cliometrics and Complexity in the Analysis of History". The 2025 Program Committee welcomes papers on all aspects of cliometrics and complexity. It is especially interested in papers that apply concepts and tools of cliometrics, complex systems, data analysis, for the study of historical processes. Topics and methods of particular interest include: long term dynamics of growth; financial systems and institutions; crises; revolutions; wars; economic and institutional impact of pandemics; nonlinear econometrics; econophysics; statistical physics; complex systems; network methods; signal processing; high dimensionality; machine learning and artificial intelligence. The scope of the conference also intends to foster multidisciplinary exchanges.


The conference will be organized over two days in Lyon, Rhône, France, on July 10-11, 2025. It will be hosted at the Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, and co-organised  by the IXXI (Complex Systems Institute Rhône-Alpes). The conference will be organized with a unique track. Submissions by PhD and post-doctoral students are welcome. A devoted session will be organised.


We are pleased to welcome as keynote speakers:

Steven Durlauf
(University of Chicago, USA).

Michael Benzaquem
(CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France).

 Andrea Roventini
(Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy).


Important dates:
Deadline for online submissions  :   April 17
Notification of Acceptance :  May 1st
Registration (free) : June 1st

 The organizing committee: Cécile Bastidon (LEAD, Univ. Toulon), Pierre Borgnat (CNRS, ENS de Lyon, LPENSL), Pablo Jensen (CNRS, ENS de Lyon, LPENSL), Antoine Parent (LED, Univ. Paris 8).


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